Fall on the Paiute ATV Trail

The lowering angle of the warming sun causes great changes here at the foot of the high Tushars. The squirrels and chipmunks step up the pace of their gathering frenzie. The hummingbirds in transit from the north woods pass by looking for a sweet fix from the few lingering blooms on their way to their winter desert season to the south. The brown trout move up Bullion Creek from the Sevier river looking for a mate and a sandy place to lay their eggs. The bull elk bugle from nearly every mountain valley. The pinion jays do their haunting gang calls as they raid the sunflower seeds from the chickadees and siskins. The yellow and red colors start up on the high Tushar aspens and maples and move down the slope through the cottonwoods and oak. Soon the winter snows will take over the show. This may be our favorite season.

Mountain Maples

Sometimes we forget how fun it is to catch a beautiful small stream rainbow.

Looking back into the Tushar caldera from the flank of Belknap peak.

Monroe Mountain View

A pure Bonneville Cutthroat Trout

Barney Lake

View of Copperbelt mountain from the Cottonwood Loop trail

Bullion Canyon of Gold

Magical falling leaves

Elk country on Monroe Mountain

Big Flat

Rocky Mountain Goats on the Paiute Trial 01

A view of Gold Mountain from the Beaver Creek Trail.

Maples off from Beaver Creek Trail

Lower Beaver Creek Valley

Beaver Creek View

Thanks to friends and guests Larry and Kathy Lohr from Michigan who annually visit us and let us use their beautiful photography.

Summer Guests - Brown Reunion 2009

In addition to our many customers who come to Bullion Creekside Retreat, we occasionally have family get-togethers also. The Brown clan converged upon Bullion Creekside Retreat from New Mexico, Arizona, Washington, California, New York and Colorado for a few days of family reunion with lots of time for visiting, riding, fiestas, fishing, and rappeling. Most of the Joyce and Jim's kids and grandkids showed up. (There were some in attendance that I didn't have pictures of. If someone would send me some of those pictures I'll include them.)

Following is a series of pictures thanks to Molly of many of the clan rappelng off the cliff and falls at Bullion Falls. Thanks to Dave Thomas and Brandon Clark for the equipment and instructions.

Mike and his wild bunch kids

Guitar around the fire

Out on the trail

Mike and Gauge

Getting ready for bear knoll climb

First Crossing of Deer Creek

Famous tour guide in action

Andersons and Ziems

Jim and fiance

Sam and Genivieve

Tamara showing that she can still carry baby Molly like she did years ago.

The middle generation connected and made friendships

Mike, Bryan and Wilma enjoying the guitar music around the fire.

It was very talented group with many good singers and guitarists.

We sat around the fire and laughed and sang every night.

Joyce and Jim Brown trying their hand at foosball.

Riley the dog got plenty of attention.

Grandma Wilma and grandkids liked the buck hut

Great pasttime fore the kids to throw rocks into the creek.

Getting ready for the trail

Tour leaders ready to go

Molly and Anthony